Original Vintage 1970's
Yellow Ruffle Tux Shirt
My picture simply is not doing
this original 1970's ruffle tux shirt justice.
Those of you who have seen these know just how hard to find and how wonderfully
flamboyant these shirts are.
These machine washable (indestructible) shirts were a necessity for 70's
weddings and proms. I would know.... They add a nice flair to what is
so often boring formal wear for men. More recently these are used for
1970's parties as they look great with about any solid or plaid cheesy pair of
men's 70s polyester pants.
The color of this ruffled baby is true pale canary yellow, a nice shade, not drab as my
photo may suggest.
The front has a pleated panel of fabric that has ruffling in the center and some
of the ruffles are actually trimmed in lace, a nice addition. It has
hidden buttons underneath the panel and it requires cufflinks for the cuffs or I
can have buttons sewn on for an additional cost. The pointy collar is
moderately enlarged, just what you want. This is a medium to small shirt as it is
a size 15 1/2 x 32. The shirt is in great condition with very minimal wear
if there is any at all; nothing is visible. There are no holes or spots.
This subtly fancy shirt would be just the thing to spice up a guy's tux for prom
or complete a 70s look for a party.
Same and larger sizes are available in Beige which are original thin polyester
formal ruffle tux shirts. They match all kinds of colors.
15 1/2 x 32 Original Size (Today that is a S-M) $35.00
USA 4 - 7 Day Delivery S&H $5.89
VISA/MC Only UK S&H $23.00 Order Button Below
Men's Original Vintage 1970's Yellow Ruffle
Tux Shirt
International Order Button for Yellow Ruffle Tux Shirt USPS Airmail S&H $23.00
For Questions Please Email:
or Text 901-647-9416
CST Located in Memphis, TN
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